Business Process Management

Infinetworx's  Business Process Management (BPM) uses Artificial Intelligence, Big data, the internet of things, automation, microservices, and design thinking to create a unified blend of platform sufficing the journey of customers and their end-users with the experience to be satisfied with powerful, interactive, deep technology, world-class design capabilities combination. The business transformation requires an experience-driven process that moves beyond categories to deliver a meaningful, valuable, and competitive experience to customers. The business process experience with the customer should be simple and intuitive for the transaction. The strategic business process will include a unified blending

Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Automation 

  • The business process is structured, and rule-based which has a large number of requirements, criticality, and dependencies to be prone to human errors. Infinite's will optimize the enterprise business process by utilizing an intelligent service-based system that identifies relevant business workflow entities to align with continuous integration through the DevOps system.
  • The building of the value blocks or chain can be performed through the various models to create the agility in the current business strategy. The model built through artificial intelligence will help in providing levers for adapting and convergence of business automation with a higher degree of a value proposition.
  • The big data enablers/levers will help in building a uniform platform for the automation strategy of the business process. The process optimization is performed using 360-degree churn management for looking at any realignment or changes in the business process. The process analytics will be done by analyzing log, security, and social data streams to improve business agility and capacity.
  • DevOps and DevSecOps 
  • The hallmark of DevOps workflow is velocity, consistency, scale, and the ability to incorporate feedback on the automation.
  • The Infinetworx's DevOps tool uses a workflow that relies, technologically on automation, and socially on collaboration.
  • DevOps provides tools, processes, a culture that are central for an enterprise with the automation of the business process.
  • DevOps practitioners focus on the dynamic infrastructure with the capacity planning with the aligned to the needs of the business.
  • Intelligent Business Process Automation & Bots
  • Infinetworx's  business process model evaluates the process suitability for the robot process automation (RPA) for the enterprise.
  • Tools are designed to be a relevant context for certain types of activities in the business process
  • Evaluate the identified problems with the methods to apply the actual automated process.
  • Categorization on the business is performed using an affinity diagram which is further used as a base upon categories with the new method of automation
  • Industry-specific automation tools are configured and applied to industry-specific activities
  • Risk level and business value for the business levers are automated and assessed with the framework details.